September 21, 2010

Page 107-117

From page 107 - 117 Balram tells how the Mr. Ashok, Pinky Madam and the mongoose move to a gigantic apartment complex. It is called Buckingham Towers and the apartment they are supposed to live in is just as big as the kitchen in Dhanbad was. Balram lives in the basement of that building in the so called servants quarter. There they have to sleep with several servants in one room, but Balram doesn't wants to. The servant with the disease called Vitiligo had told the other servants that Balram is totally clueless and so they are teasing him all the time. So Balram decides to move in a barely small room in which fits just a bed and a mosquito net. At one morning while Balram cleans the car the brothers want to go to the Congress Party headquarters. He takes them there and while doing so he describes the rush hour in New Delhi. He says it'd take ten years out of a men's life, if he breathes the poluted air everyday. As they arrive, the two brothers get into the building and come back after two hours. Than they drive to the Presidents house.  Again Mr. Ashok and the Mongoose enter the building and are coming back after some time. They are in a bad mood and don't talk to eachother. After some time Mr. Ashok complaints about the political system in india and calls it "a fucking joke", because they had to bribe the minister.
On their way back to the apartment there is a fierce jam and it takes real long to get home. During the jam they see an autorickhaw driver who spats three times in a row right next to their car. Thats probably because the heavy poluted air he is breathing all day long.
As they come home and enter the room Pinky Madam just says that she had eaten already. Balram prepares some vegetables for Mr. Ashok and notices by casting a quick look on him that he is on the verge of tears.

Poluted air

I found it terrifying  that airquality is that bad in Delhi. There are heaps ofheaps of cars driving through the city and nobody cares about what happens to the people or the enviroment. But the government started thinking about this issue since they knew that the Commonwealth Games are in Delhi in October 2010, because they worried about the athlets health. To me this seems to be pretty unfair. Everyones health should have the same value, so if the government can change something about the airyuality they should do it right mow and not wait until there are some athlets coming around.
I found out that New Delhi is on rank five of the cities with the dirtiest air and that the level of airpollution is five times higher than the WHO considers as safe for a human being.(Source:

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