September 18, 2010

Page 94-107

The narration from page 94 - 107 is devided in two major parts. Incipiently he tells about how much he loves candaliers and that he doesn't know why not everybody has one and how he hids himself in Bangalore after the murder on Mr. Ashok. Then the first part starts.
He talks about the traffic system of Delhi. He says that it isn't a system of logic. Also the way they number their houses is no system of logic, because F 378 comes afer A 231 and things like that. He tells you that he doesn't really like the city, because the work as a driver is much harder if you don't know which way to go.
To insult injury the Mongoose always gets angry when Balram looses their way, so Balram is scared of being fired, but Mr. Ashok doesn't trust the people in New Delhi and takes pity with Balram. Mr. Ashok and the Mongoose have problems with the Great Socialist again because their father ,the Stork, wants to take distance from the Great Socialist. That isn't quite in the sense of the Great Socialist and so he wants to make them do what he wants by letting them pay enormous taxes on their business. In order to solve this problem Mr. Ashok and the Mongoose try to get an interview with a minister in New Delhi, but they need a fixer for getting in contact with one.
In the second part Balram talks to another driver while he is waiting in front of a shopping mall in Gurgaon, wich has turned within 10 years from a farmer district to the modernst suburb in New Delhi. There are plenty other servants waiting in front of that mall for their masters, because they aren't allowed to enter the mall. They are gabbing and reading. There is a pretty famous magazin, wich is called Murderer weekly. It is provided by the government and its content are  fictional cases of murders in order to make the servants aware of how cruel it is to kill somebody.
Balram gets to know one of the other drivers. He tells that the other driver also comes from the Darkness, so Balram has something in common with him. But he doesn't like him too much, because the other driver has a disease called Vitiligo and Balram finds it pretty digusting. Vitiligo makes parts of the skin or even the whole skin turn into white. The driver has it on his lips. Balram says that his stomach churns when he sees him. But nevertheless the other driver has some usefull informations for Balram. He tells Balram that he should have a mosquito net while he is waiting for his master in front of clubs in the evening. Thats pretty important because some Mosquitos are infected with a virus and if one of that bites you, you are probably dead. Then he tells him that the police is totally rotten and that you have to bribe them 100 rupees if they catch you without wearing your saftey belt.
Furthermore he tells Balram that he has contacts to the american embassy and could get him alcohol that is free of tax, women or even boys for his master. But Balram rejects that.


What I found interesting is the disease that the other driver has. It is the same disease which was responsible for Michael Jacksons skin turn into white. It occurs when the cells which are responsible for the pigmentation die or are unable to function. I was quiet shocked when I read, that you can loose the colour of your eyes or the colour of the inside of   your mouth.

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